How to Answer Common Visa Interview Questions

If you plan to go abroad, you cannot do without a Visa interview. This ultimately determines whether your application would be granted or denied. Some of these questions can be technical and you should know the right answer before even getting started. Have you bee rejected before? Have you been denied multiple times when trying to apply for an American or Canadian visa? Chances are that got the questions wrong.

It’s also possible that you weren’t honest with the answers or you didn’t look confident enough. Before going for the interview, you need to be fully prepared and know exactly the kind of response the embassy wants to hear from you.

In this article, we are going to use the American visa interview as our example. Even if you plan to go to Canada, Australia or the United Kingdom, there’s a thing or two you should be able to learn.

1. Why do you want to travel to the USA?

You need to say the truth about why you’re traveling because the person interviewing you can easily see through your lies. You are dealing with a trained personnel who has interviewed lots of applicants like you. You need to specifically say exactly where you’re going. For instance, we intend to visit Disneyland in Florida. We also want to see what Las Vegas looks like since it’s just about a couple of hours from where our daughter lives.

The point is that you should know exactly where you’re going and what you plan to do.

2. Why must you visit at this time?

This is summer and the best time to visit places in the US. But apart from this, our daughter arranged for her leave to fall to this time so that she can have the time to take us round places within and outside her city. Due to our age, visiting during winter might not be too suitable for us because of the snow and weather storms.

3. How long will you be staying in the US?

We shall be staying X number of months, between X to Y months.

4. Why do you want 1 year visa when 3 months is okay for you?

There is always a lot to see during Christmas in New York and Detroit (mention the state you’re visiting) among others. We’d love to see the fireworks and displays and even do some Christmas shopping. There are always a lot of places to visit and see in your country, and due to our age we may not have another opportunity to visit again.

5. Where will you be staying in the US?

We shall be staying at XYZ street, city, state, and zip. Ensure to memorize the address and make sure it tallies with what you have on your visa application.

6. Who is sponsoring your trip and expenses over there?

Our daughter is taking care of all our expenses. She works at XYZ and has been in the US for 11 years. Provide proof.

7. Can I have the contact details of your relatives in the US?

Yes, her phone number is XXX-YYY-ZZZ and her home address is XXX-YYY-ZZZ. Ensure you know this information off-hand without having to peruse through jotted notes.

8. Will you take up job offers or engage in business when you get to the US?

I do not intend to take up job offers or engage in business during this trip. I’m only visiting my daughter and wish to visit exotic and fascinating places with her. So I intend to return to my country as soon as my daughter nudges me to return home.

9. Who will take care of your home and business when you are gone?

My partner will run the business in my absence and I also have overseers to manage things behind me. Meanwhile, I have arranged for my accumulated leave to fall within this period to enable me travel.

10. Have you bought airline tickets or medical insurance?

No. But we shall buy it as soon as we get our visa.

Disclaimer: Please note that we are not a travel agency, and we are not affiliated with any of the immigration bodies mentioned on this blog. We will never ask you for money or any request for your personal information. All we do is educate and give valuable information about immigration processeses in return for nothing.