All You Need to Know About the Canadian Federal Skilled Worker Program

There are various different ways of migrating to Canada and one of them is to migrate as a skilled worker. Immigrants who apply as skilled workers are much welcome in Canada because it is believed that they are going to contribute significantly to the growth, as well as, the workforce of the Canadian economy.

To facilitate the application of immigrants as skilled workers, the Canadian government has instituted a Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)  Initiative which allows Immigrants applying to Canada as skilled workers to be screened and selected based on eligibility with respect to predetermined qualifications.

First, to be able to apply as a Skilled worker, an immigrant must be able to present a letter or document to the effect that he or she has been offered employment in a Canadian firm. In addition, such applicants must convince the Canadian embassy that they are capable of footing their own bills after arrival in Canada. This is to make sure that immigrants don’t end up as liabilities to the Canadian government.

Also, if you are an immigrant applying as a skilled worker, you must be able to boast of some work experience and have proof of credibility from your previous employers. You should also satisfy academic requirements such as having a minimum of a credit pass in English Language, French will be a plus.


The Federal Skilled Worker System works based on points. Immigrants applying to Canada have to earn points to be qualified to take part in the FSW programme. Points are earned based on factors such as age, work experience, educational history and a few others.

A minimum of 67 points should be earned for immigrants to be qualified to apply under the FSW programme.

It’s noteworthy to mention that the FSW is a subsidiary of the Express Entry System which caters generally for all immigration categories that impact, whether directly or indirectly, the economy of Canada. This means that once you are able to apply for the FSW, your application would have to be routed through the Express Entry System.


Remember that, to apply as a skilled worker, you must boast of some work experience. It is however not sufficient that you have work experience, your work experience must fall under either of three categories of the Canada National Occupational Classification scheme. These categories are:

  1. Skill Type 0
  2. Skill Type Level A
  3. Skill Type Level B

Depending on whether or not your job offer in Canada is a permanent one, you might be looking at work experience within the past 10 years.

Disclaimer: Please note that we are not a travel agency, and we are not affiliated with any of the immigration bodies mentioned on this blog. We will never ask you for money or any request for your personal information. All we do is educate and give valuable information about immigration processeses in return for nothing.