If You’re Looking for a Job in Canada, Read This

Whether you’re applying for a job for the very first time or you’re changing jobs, one important thing you cannot overlook is your CV otherwise referred to as Resume. Your CV is more like your work biography. It’s what potential employers will look at for them to make inferences about your work life. Your CV can paint you as employable or otherwise. Before you get the chance to speak, your CV speaks, so you want to make sure that your CV contains every necessary and important detail.

 In this post, we’ll be taking a look at the skills you need to have embedded in your CV. Mind you, you don’t just want to have them down in your CV, make sure you’re capable of them.

Now, we are going to talk about two classes of skills that are most commonly required in a CV:

  1. Human Relations Skills
  2. Technical Skills

Human Relation Skills

It is very important to know that employers aren’t just interested in the professional abilities of their employees. They care more even about the social and human relation skills because those are what determines to a very large extent the sustenance of a healthy work environment for workers. A list of these skills include:

  • Communication
  • Empathy
  • Stress Management
  • Conflict Resolution

Other human relation skills that employers look out for include Creativity, Ability to work under pressure and Time management abilities.

Technical Skills

These are the skills that are needed to carry out the actual job. They stem from learning to use tools that are indispensable for the job. They include:

  • Documentation
  • Data Analysis
  • Graphic Design
  • Analytical Skills
  • Computing

On this front, some Coding and Programming skills will definitely be a huge plus. Other technical skills are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) , a good handle on Social Media Tools.

That’s about all the basic skills you’ll need to beef up your Resume with. Here’s a bonus tip:

Learn a foreign language and include it in your CV, it’s a big addition. Cheers!

Disclaimer: Please note that we are not a travel agency, and we are not affiliated with any of the immigration bodies mentioned on this blog. We will never ask you for money or any request for your personal information. All we do is educate and give valuable information about immigration processeses in return for nothing.