
7 Great Ways to Move to Canada

Whenever there is a conversation about migrating to Canada, one of the first things that come to mind is obtaining a visa. It’s true that a visa is needed to migrate to Canada and other popular destinations for immigration in most cases, but there are some ways to migrate to Canada without a visa. In fact, there are several unknown ways to migrate easily to Canada, apart from acquiring skills and having enough money for a visa. These are explained below.

Getting a Study Permit

Gaining admission to study at a Canadian university or college is one way to migrate to Canada. For international students, schooling in a Canadian academic institution might be expensive, but you can apply for scholarships to ease the burden of funds off your shoulders. Note, however, that a study permit lasts only for the duration of your education, and you’d need a job offer to remain in the country after your schooling.

Canadian Spousal Sponsorship

One of the most effortless ways of migrating into Canada is by getting married to someone who is already a Canadian citizen. A Canadian citizen can sponsor a spouse or partner to become a permanent resident of Canada, but the sponsor would be required to be able to support the spouse financially, and the spouse shouldn’t need social assistance from the government. If you are considering this route, ensure that you don’t engage in marriage sham as the IRCC is cracking down on these types of relationships in its spousal sponsorship program.

Trade Pacts

A trade pact is made when two or more countries agree on terms that help them trade with each other. Canada has several free trade agreements with several countries that allow the citizens of these countries to migrate to Canada to work with a Canadian company. An example of this is the NAFTA program which allows Mexican workers to migrate freely to Canada to work on contracts with Canadian firms. To be eligible for this type of migration, check that your home country has existing trade agreements with Canada.

Visitor Visa

As its name implies, this type of visa is appropriate for visitors and immigrants on tourist sojourns to Canada. Hence, an immigrant on Visitor Visa in Canada is not eligible to do any form of work, and the visa is valid for a period of six months. Since getting a visitor visa is quite easy, you can use this as a first step in migrating permanently to Canada by using your six-month visit window to connect with potential employers in the country.

Work Permit

This is the most appropriate method for skilled or semi-skilled workers and is suitable for college graduates and people that have been in the work field (have work experience) for some time. To be eligible for a work permit, you need to obtain a job offer from a Canadian company, and the company would have to put in an application for you to be granted a work permit to work for them in Canada.

International Experience Canada (IEC)

The International Experience Canada program allows youths to travel and work in Canada without obtaining a job offer from a Canadian firm. Hence, it is referred to as an open work permit and is open to eligible candidates aged 18-35 from selected countries, including Croatia, Chile, Belgium, Costa Rica, Australia, and the Czech Republic.

The Live-in Caregiver program used to be part of the easiest ways to get into Canada legally, but the program is currently closed to new applicants. Luckily, however, you still have any of the above methods to choose from to migrate to Canada.