
Are You Aware That Marriage Is The Easiest Way to Migrate To Canada?

One of the surest ways immigrants enter Canada is through the spousal sponsorship program. Truth be told, some of those who take this route are scammers who only got hitched to obtain permanent residency. The Canadian government doesn’t support this type of behavior and any immigrant caught may not be welcomed to the country.

A sponsor can face serious financial issues in the event of marriage fraud. This is because they are often responsible for the well being of their sponsored partner for the next three years. It doesn’t matter whether they are currently separated or divorced.

The concerned authorities have already put plans in place to keep the issue of marriage fraud in check.

Sponsorship Eligibility

Here are the requirements that you’re expected to satisfy if you want to sponsor your spouse for permanent residency in Canada.

  • At least 18 years old.
  • A permanent resident or Canadian citizen.
  • Show that you can take care of your spouse financially for three years.
  • Never been convicted of any crime that has attracted over 10 years of a prison sentence.
  • Haven’t sponsored a spouse in the last five years.
  • Must not rely on the government unless disabled.
  • Must repay loans on time.
  • Must not suffer bankruptcy.

Categories Of Spousal Sponsorship

Conjugal Partner Relationship

Same-sex couples often fall under this category.

Common-Law Partnership

This type of marriage-like relationship is made up of two consenting adults and should be existing for at least a year.

Marital Relationship

The Canadian immigration authority will acknowledge a union that is done outside the shores of Canada if the couple is issued a valid marriage certificate.

Processing Time

The type of application you submit will influence the processing time for Spousal Sponsorship which can be around 7-12 months. Applications with inaccurate information will be likely delayed. Another factor to consider is the backlog of the visa.

Your best bet is to enlist professionals at the beginning of your immigration application.

Supporting Documents

You and your significant other will be expected to provide proof that your marriage is authentic before moving to Canada. Some of the things you should prepare include:

  • Proof of communication.
  • Proof of gift.
  • Proof of time together.
  • Wedding pictures.
  • Reference letters from family or friends endorsing your relationship.
  • Honeymoon pictures.