
Canadian Job Recruitment Process For International Applicants

The process of recruitment for international applicants in Canada is more or less the same as that for indigenes, and it is important to understand that the different steps involved in recruitment into Canadian companies as an international applicant. The entire process can be narrowed down to six steps which are listed below and explained in subsequent sections.

  • First Phone Screen Interview
  • First Physical Interviews
  • Further Assessments
  • Second Physical Interviews
  • Reference Checks
  • Final Selection

Before we go ahead to discuss the above-listed steps, it is important to note that every successful recruitment process is preceded by some effort made on the part of the international applicants to search for the companies they wish to work it in their desired field, find the positions best suited to their individual work experiences and career objectives in these companies, and apply appropriately. Only then will the recruitment process described below be commenced.

First Phone Screen Interview

his is the first stage of the recruitment process and is initiated only after the company has decided to proceed with your recruitment based on the information submitted to them by the applicant. It involves a recruitment official at the company placing a telephone call to the applicant to have a brief chat and find out more about them.

First Physical Interviews

If the conversation in the first phone screen interview went well and the recruitment team decided to proceed with the process, the applicant will be required to visit the company physically and interact with different officials, mostly from the recruitment team, in order to discover more firsthand information about the applicant.

Further Assessments

Depending on how the first physical interview turns out, the applicant will be given further assessments, usually take-home or timed online tests, to determine if they are the right fit for the working position they applied to.

Second Physical Interviews

When the applicant obtains a satisfactory score in the further assessments, they are again invited to the physical office spaces for further discussions about the role they applied to. This step gives the applicant the opportunity to discover what working at the company looks like, and decide if they want to continue with the recruitment process.

Reference Checks

The company then goes on to verify the claims you made when applying with your referees, which may include your previous employers/co-workers, people you’ve worked within the past, as well as people you’ve listed as your mentors.

Final Selection

Once the company is satisfied with the findings from your reference checks, it then comes down to picking the best candidate from those who progressed to the final step in the process. The final selection is made based on a combination of different factors discussed earlier, and the selected candidate is contacted for integration into their position in the company.